ClipArt: The year was 2015, I found myself wanting to do more with my art work than just doodling and drawing for enjoyment. Through a series of online discoveries I found teacher artists that were creating clipart for teachers-pay-teachers. I quickly followed their lead and learned to do it for myself. By using my images painted in watercolor, I used photoshop to create a group of images that could be put into my newsletters, PowerPoints, posters and more. I used them at first as a form of using my own art in my classroom, but quickly realized why not sell them too. And so, a clip artist was born.
Coloring Pages: I didn’t stop there. My art expanded into coloring pages for the classroom and poster art. In the beginning it was just my hand drawn art that was scanned and formatted to print in the classroom and graduated as Procreate drawings on my ipad. Then, one Christmas I decided to create a coloring book for my grandchildren. These priceless gifts came round every year after 2016 as handbound and copier printed series of pages I had drawn for them.