Teaching Art


  • Fine Arts in Elementary, Utah tech, Fall 2007 EDU 4200

In 2017-2018 I taught in Oahu, Hawaii for a year at an Arts Integration Charter School, Kamalani Academy. I used Visual art and drama to bring Language Arts to life in my 6- 8th grade ELA classes. I was also able to attend the Washington D.C. Integrated Arts conference in June of 2018.

As visual arts are my passion, I have always tried to reach my students on a visual level. Giving them anchor drawings, projects and opportunities to create what they are learning into something beautiful and visual that will help them to remember their learning. Hands on, brains on.

Personal note: Art has always been my passion. Often locked in solitude to serve my own selfish purposes. As I have learned and progressed I feel a push to share what I have learned. My art has emerged in the last 10 years as more than a hobby and personal love. It is born out of necessity and need, but longs to get out and stretch it’s legs. Though my teaching art is limited to experiences in the classroom by integrating it into the content of Language Arts, I know this is something I have strengths in. I long to teach art.

