Big Magic

I’ve been reading the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It is all about living a creative, full and meaningful life. It isn’t the first time I’ve read it. Nor will it be the last. It is inspired and helps me get out of my head and get my art on the page. I have dreamt of being a Children’s book author illustrator since I was 11 staring out the window seat of my parents two story dream home. I found an article in a magzine that I clip out and kept until it was mistaken for trash by a loving parent one day. I can still see it in my mind. I still hold it in my heart.

Art, creating, it never leaves us. It is always there patiently waiting for that day when we will finally have time. When we realize life is passing us by. That moment when we realize that we haven’t been really living at all and we can’t go on unless this thing is in our lives full time. That is where I am at now. Right now. I can’t live without art in my life, full time, all the time any more. I refuse. I am done waiting, being patient. I am tired of hoping the time will come. I am grabbing it by the horns and dragging it kicking and screaming into my present day. It’s time.

Welcome to my journey into the dreams of my mind, heart, spirit, soul. Some will be visual. Some with be created with words. Good, bad, or ugly. Whether you hate it, love it or are indifferent to it. This is my whimsical wonderful life. Pull up a chair and let’s talk story.